About Us

Our Mission

To supply our customers with the very highest quality products and provide them with finest service, while taking as many measures as is reasonably possible to care for the well being of our staff and the environment.

With the aim of obtain a lions share of the UK agricultural sprayer market whilst maintaining and expanding our current lions share of the amenity turf-care market.

About Bargam Sprayers

Bargam are one of the premier sprayer manufacturers in Europe and are gaining an ever increasing percentage of the worldwide sprayer market.

The company is part of a family owned group of companies called ProGroup. The Bargam element of ProGroup work from two plants. One factory at Imola, producing tractor mounted, trailed sprayers and sprayer booms for the range. The other is in Jesi near Ancona where the self propelled machines are built and assembled.

With over 125 people in the Bargam operation they have the expertise and dedication to produce a very high quality sprayer for you.

About Dammann